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学 俄语 - 词汇

学 俄语 - 词汇

The Russian language for touri

  • 类型:教育
  • 评分:5.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "CS", "EN", "DE", "RU", "ES"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Petr Kulaty
  • 更新时间:2024-02-08 14:08:42

The Russian language for tourism with English translations.

Are you going to travel around the Russian speaking countries? Take this app and you cannot get lost.

1. Everyday conversation - meet your new friend, visit your friend, talk about your family and jobs...

2. Travelling - travel by plane, coach, train or boat, go through the immigration and passport control...

3. Holiday - book your hotel, order your meal at the restaurant, rent a car, buy your skipass...

4. City life - ask about the way, travel by tube, bus or taxi, go to the cinema or gallery, do some shopping...

Listen, read and revise more than 1300 useful phrases in interactive exercises.

Use 750 high quality photos to revise the meaning and pronunciation of more than 2500 words.

We have improved the compatibility with iOS 13.

相关TAG: 教育 旅游


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